The Charge of Nalagiri!

‘The Charge of Nalagiri!’ by OLD SICK DEAD, a colorful abstract ink painting depicting of a red elephant that is decorated or injured with geometric red shapes. The tusks are white, the background is black and yellow radiating the lines of movement.

Nalagiri the elephant made a bloody rampage through the streets of Rajagaha; but stepping out to meet his charge was a brave ascetic with a gentle voice:

“Don’t Let an ‘Elephant of a Great House’ harm an ‘Elephant of a Great House’;

For those that seriously strike an elephant, happiness is not what happens next!”

Nalagiri lowered his trunk, went up to the Buddha, and stood in front of him. 

“Don’t be either indulgent or heedless, for the heedless are not going towards happiness;

Only do those things that take you to a good place!”

The Buddha stroked Nalagiri on the forehead with his right hand. Nalagiri, with his trunk, sucked up the dust at the Buddha’s feet and scattered it overhead. He then walked backward while looking at the Buddha, and returned to his stall in the elephant stables. 

Promoting a loving-kindness for all the angry beings that often misstep!

Samghabhedakakkhandhaka Kd 17


Themes for Daily Buddhist Contemplation!


Kinsmen of the Sun!