Why Was The Buddha Patient Three Time?

One of the Buddha’s honorifics was the ‘Great Physician’. To have the patience of a doctor one must be patient three-fold! Of sick people, some are bound to die and some will recover; and of those there are some that nourishing food, proper medicine, and our compassionate care decides! - Just like how some unskillful people will only progress reliably and correctly in goodness if they get to see the example (Tathāgata) and to hear the teachings and trainings of the example.

(AN 3.22)

I modeled the above artwork after a 7th-8th century Sultanganj Monastery (India) Buddha statue. The head was taken and is now on display at the ‘Victoria and Albert (V&A)’ museum in South Kensington, England.

-And the artwork below I referenced a 5th-6th century Hadda, Afghanistan Buddha statue. The head was taken and now is on display at ‘The Met’ museum in New York.

I made these artworks in an effort to mend their broken image; to return the Tathagata to inspiring those practicing the path - to offer it to all of you!



In The Shade Of A Mango Tree!


No Mud, No Lotus!