The Story of the Golden Bowl

Gotama was so emaciated from ascetic practices that when he went down to the water, he almost got washed away himself! Self mortification had made his body too weak and continuing would lead to certain death.

He made his way to the foot of a great Banyan tree, where he sat in meditation. There a devotee making an offering to the tree-spirit, found this austere ascetic; and thought to give the offering to him - as he might be the embodiment of that spirit! Gotama accepted the offering of sweet milk-rice pudding.

After eating he said, "If I will be awakening today, may this bowl float upstream!" He then took the bowl and let it adrift on the Neranjara channel. The bowl dashed out across the current; cutting directly to the midpoint of the river. Then it went - floated the middle-way upstream! Eventually the Naga collected it into a whirlpool; sinking it down like the bowls of Kakusandha, Konâgamana and Kassapa! There under the water it clinks with the bowls of the three previous Buddhas of this time.


The Murder of Precepts


Sankhara has the Heart of a Banana Tree!