How did the Buddha get free from Suffering?

The Buddha taught a method to get free from suffering! It is known as the Eight Fold Path or the Dhamma Wheel! It is eight steps that when practiced lead to extinguishment!

It is a skillful ‘view’ to see reality as it is; without trying to cling to permanence, without denying the suffering, and without a conceit of a self.

These views inspire skillful ‘intentions’ to grow within us; proliferating initiatives that are without attachment, harm, and hate.

These intentions blossom into skillful ‘speech’ that are free of lies, division, harshness, and unnecessary chatter.

These words articulate into the thoughts behind our skillful ‘actions’; deeds free of killing, taking what isn’t given, sexual misconduct, deception, and intoxication.

These actions develop into a skillful ‘work’ ethic; professions that refrain from trading in beings - alive or dead - weapons, poisons, and toxins.

This work affords us the time to make the skillful ‘effort’ to cultivate wholesomeness through the restraint of sensory stimulation.

Making this effort to guard the sense doors becomes a skillful ‘mindfulness’; being presently aware to calm our body, our feelings, our thoughts, and our rhythms/cycles.

This mindful awareness deepens into a skillful ‘Samadhi’; finding a quiet union through the enjoyment of our breath and the stillness of our meditation.

Then clarity generated from meditation allows for a clearer and a more skillful view into the marks of existence!


Beneficial Skeleton!


How do you cross reedy waters so full to the brim a crow could drink?