Knocked Down 7, Rise Up 8!

Why did Bodhidharma come from the West when he has NOTHING to teach?!

Bodhidharma is the monk famous for bringing Buddhism East and is the beloved patriarch of Zen. Known to be so deeply committed to sitting in meditation that his arms and legs might just wither away! But this ferocious monk had a rigorous yoga practice in order to maintain his body for his Zazen. This expanded practice was of such significance that it grew into Kung Fu!

Daruma Dolls are traditional Japanese papermache dolls modeled after Bodhidharma. They are a symbol of equanimity, perseverance, and good luck. They are constructed to be self-righting. Usually hollow, round, and weighted at the bottom so the Daruma Doll can roll back upright. It is the equanimity of Bodhidharma to be knocked down seven times, & rise up eight!


The Adamantine Eyes on the Stupa!


Generosity of the Naga!