No Mud, No Lotus!
The lotus flower is a beloved symbol of non-attachment because even though it sprouts in the mud, grows in the water, and blossoms in the mist and rain - there are no drops on the lotus!

Guard the Senses
Like the vital conditions necessary for a plant to grow into fullness — when there is sense restraint, it unfolds into ethical conduct, then into right immersion, then into a true knowledge and vision, then into a disillusionment and dispassion, and then finally into a knowledge and vision of freedom!’ (AN 6.50)
Like the blossoming of a lotus!

The Eight Fold Path!
The Buddha taught a method to get free from suffering! It is known as the Eight Fold Path or the Dhamma Wheel! It is eight steps that when practiced lead to extinguishment!

Interdependent Co-Arising!
The image is made up of a field of "Spectres"; strictly chiral aperiodic monotiles. One-sided asymmetric tiles that completely cover a plane in an irregular non-repeating pattern.

A Bowl So Clean It Floats Upstream!
The ascetic Gotama was thin as a skeleton, starving, and surviving off mere grains of rice. He had become so emaciated and weak that when he went down to the river, he wasn’t strong enough to get back out - and almost got washed away.